Start training with us!
Getting Started
Join us
Joining the Baji Quan Kung Fu classes is easy. Just fill out the form below (must include Telephone number in the comments section, or we will not respond to you) and we will give you a call back as soon as we can. We just want to have a chat with you to ascertain whether you are the right person to join our club, and likewise if our club is right for you.
Before you start
We do have one stipulation: “If you can’t laugh; you can’t train!” Keeping a sense of humour whilst training is vitally important: we don’t want anyone taking themselves too seriously!
Your personal state of health and fitness does not need to be of a high standard to attend classes: many students begin in a poor state of fitness, but over time they improve due to regular training. Nor does it matter your race or gender: We have a variety of ethnicity and gender in our classes and we respect all religious and cultural beliefs. However, you must be 16 years old, or older, to take part.
As well as a sense of humour, we recommend bringing loose wearing clothes with you to move freely, but obviously dress for the weather; if its winter wrap up warm, summer dress down. Other than that, a flask of green, oolong, jasmine or puer tea always goes down well during a training session, or maybe a bottle of water will suffice!
If accepted into the club, you will need to pay for yearly insurance and membership (£20) which is due in September each year.
The only other expenses are optional:
Training T-Shirts (£20 each)
Training Weapons (These are used regularly within the class and normally students accumalate them as they progress) example prices: Bokken Sword £11, Bo Staff £16, Tanto Knife £6, etc…
These all last a very long time, and do not need to be replaced very often, if at all.
Duan Gradings up to Hong Duan (Red Sash) are £20. You start at nothing and will work your way up to Hong Duan before Yi Hei Duan (1st Black sash). This takes 8-10 years to normally achieve.